Basecamp Concrete Coatings for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Concrete coatings are a must for recreationalists, outdoor persons, and woods enthusiasts everywhere.
If you’re like many other residents of the Pacific Northwest, your garage is your favorite room in the house. It houses all your most prized outdoor recreation gear that you like to meticulously clean, store, and organize for each activity. But alas, your floor is cracked and flaking or peeling from some long-lost layer of epoxy - yuck. You want to be able to sweep or blow out the flooring once a month or better yet once a season, and otherwise have it stay clean and tidy. If this sounds like you - you’d love basecamp concrete coatings - the perfect flooring for any recreationalist garage. Check out this list of garage basecamp hobbyists that love concrete coating polyurea flooring - and why.
The ultralight hiker and backpacker
Looking to lay out 100 pieces of gear in order to pack for your next weekend warrior outing? Of course, you need to pull out all your gear from giant storage tubs and lay it out across the floor to evaluate and assess what needs fixing or what items you need to acquire. Isn’t it nice to have an antimicrobial flooring surface to do your gear inventory on?

The quintessential cyclist - cyclocross, road bike, mountain bike and a townie
Is your garage like the Noah’s Ark of cycling? Every type of bike and two of each kind? You, your partner, maybe kids and four or five types of bikes each? Or maybe you're in it even deeper - maybe you have 10 mountain bikes. One down hill, one hardtail, one rockhopper, one cross-country, one 29er and one 27incher. If you have a quiver that big, you are probably handling your servicing from your basecamp garage, in which case, there is no better floor to underlie it all than concrete coatings.
The garage chalet apres ski tuning shed
Boarding or skiing, downhill or cross-country, classic or skate, snowshoe or fat bike. Do you love snow sports? Do you live for the serenity of powder? Do you love maintaining your own gear? Nothing like a fresh coat of wax and crisp tune every day you get out on the mountain. If you care for your snow equipment at home, basecamp concrete coating flooring is for you and your garage. Stray wax particles are easy to remove and dropping files, irons or other tools won’t affect your flooring.

The flatwater or whitewater kayaker, paddleboarder, rafter, or boater
Do you hang heavy paddle vessels from the ceiling of your basecamp garage? Sometimes when you pull a 100 plus pound sea kayak off the wall, do you drop it on the floor? Or, do you take care to clean your paddle equipment after each use, to avoid contaminating each waterway with invasive species? A tough, durable slip-resistant floor like basecamp concrete coatings is the best choice.
Duck hunter!
Are you doing any home machine shopping for your guns? Don’t worry about shell casings or drill press metal flakes damaging your flooring. With basecamp concrete coatings shrap metal is easy to spot and sweep up in an instant and leaves no floor damage behind.
The primitive living and survivalist - rockhounding, building shelters, drying hydes, making water cantines out of hydes, weaving baskets, flecking obsidian and storing lots of natural material for primitive living outdoors.